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SalemRecycles Free Book Swap and TerraCycle Collection
SalemRecycles Free Book Swap returns to the Community Life Center at 401 Bridge Street on Saturday, March 22nd from 10:00am-1:00pm! Swapping isn’t necessary — you may donate, take away, or both.
In addition to books, the swap accepts CDs, DVDs, video games, records (all in original cases, please), plus puzzles and greeting cards. All items must be clean, dry, and mildew free. Sorry, no magazines or VHS and cassette tapes.
TO DONATE, please drop off at the Community Life Center on Friday, March 21st from 4:00-7:00pm, or Saturday, March 22nd from 9:00am-noon.
All leftover materials will be donated or recycled.
TERRACYCLE — We’re collecting FOUR TerraCycle categoires of otherwise hard-to-recycle items. Please keep each TerraCycle stream separate.
** Swiffers: All used, dried Swiffer pads.
** Razors: All brands of reusable and disposable razors, blades & cartridges, as well as any flexible or rigid plastic packaging they come in.
** Dental Care: Non-electric toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, & floss containers. All brands, plus toothbrush packaging.
**Brita: Brita dispenser, Brita pitchers, Brita bottles, Brita standard filters, Brita Stream filters, Brita bottle filters, Brita filter packaging, Brita Longlast® filters, Brita Stream® pitchers.
IMPORTANT CHANGE: No deodorant or mouthwash bottles accepted as of January 1, 2025. Please place mouthwash bottles with cap on into curbside recycling carts.
VOLUNTEERS: Please CLICK HERE to help out on Saturday or email salemrecycles@gmail.com.