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November 23 Textile and TerraCycle Drive
Get ready for SalemRecycles’ annual fall event! We’ll collect clothing and household textiles in any condition, as well as TerraCycle items for recycling. Look for SalemRecycles volunteers and the Helpsy truck on:

Saturday, November 23 from 8:00AM – 1:00PM
Universal Steel Lot at 297 Bridge St, Salem, MA (new location!)

TEXTILE DROP OFF — clothing, sneakers, shoes, boots, slippers, belts, ties, purses, stuffed animals, comforters, sheets, blankets, table linens, and curtains.
ANY CONDITION — as long as clean, dry, odor-free. Can be new and reusable, old and moth-eaten, stained, torn or damaged, broken belt, single sock or shoe.
PLEASE, NO — fabric scraps, carpet, rugs, pillows, bric-a-brac, oil rags, wet or mildewed items.

TERRACYCLE — TerraCycle recycles many items that cannot be recycled curbside, and would otherwise end up as trash. The 5 programs we collect are Swiffers, Razors, Oral Care, Deodorant, and Brita. Details are at https://greensalem.com/programs/terracycle-recycling/. Please keep each category separate when you drop off.

For more info, please contact Waste Reduction Coordinator Alisa Cherkasova at acherkasova@salem.com or 978-619-5672.