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May 6 Book Swap DROP OFF @ CLC, 401 Bridge St

In preparation for the Free Book Swap on Saturday morning, people may drop off books and media items on Friday evening, May 6, from 4:00PM-7:00PM. We encourage Friday drop off so “swappers” will have greater selection when doors open Saturday!

PLEASE BRING: Books, CDs & DVDs, video games, records, greeting cards, & reusable bags (all clean & mildew free, please). Media items must be in original cases.
PLEASE NO: VHS, cassettes, or magazines

(You may also drop off items Saturday morning, May 7 from 9:00AM-noon. The Swap is Saturday, 10:00-1:00.)

For more info or to volunteer, contact Micaela Guglielmi at mguglielmi@salem.com or 978-619-5672