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March 12 Repair Café @ CLC

SalemRecycles’ Repair Café is back — at a new location, the Community Life Center at 401 Bridge St.! The Café is a gathering of skilled volunteers who will repair and restore your broken items, keeping them from the waste and recycling streams. Salem residents only, please, at this free event.

* Event is 9:00 – noon, with last appointment at 11:30.
* Appointments are required; sorry, no walk-ins.
* Email mguglielmi@salem.com for an appointment.
* Masks must be worn at all times during this event.

REPAIRS MAY INCLUDE: Sewing by hand or machine (mend, patch, darn, buttons — sorry, no hems or alterations). Sharpen scissors & knives. Tinker with and rewire electronics and lamps; no TVs. Vacuum repair, computer diagnostics, ceramics gluing, & basic jewelry repair. Furniture and wood gluing and repair. Nearly anything that can be fixed with adhesives or fasteners, such as basic shoe repair. **This list may change as we confirm our volunteers **

BRING WITH YOU: Replacement item such as new zipper or electric cord/plug. If your electronics requires testing after repair, bring what is needed to do that (e.g. light bulb, DVD).

VOLUNTEER WITH US! If you have a tinkering skill, even one we already offer, contact Micaela Guglielmi at mguglielmi@salem.com or (978) 619-5672